August 2019, I was scrolling through the old 13thbeginnings. I was happy with what I saw. In the last six years, my blog had come very far. I was happy yes, but not content. Within me, there was an urge for something more. Suddenly, I had a vision, a vision of something greater and better. I decided then I was going to take my blog to the next level and bring the vision to life. I learned during the process that it can be frustrating having a brilliant concept or idea that never comes to life. It takes clear goals and a plan that can be broken down into steps. We all have a vision, a big goal or a dream that we want to accomplish. Here’s how you bring it to life.
Have a clear vision
Visions are important. What we visualize in our minds for ourselves, and for our lives is crucial. I’ve always been a visionary. I always have clear pictures of my goals. But it doesn’t stop there. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: To have anything manifest in your life, you must first see it and believe. Then make tangible steps to get there.
See it, Believe it
Visualize what your goal looks like and what it feels like. Imagine what it feels like to have or be whatever that goal is. Then, believe in it. Believe in the vision that you have. Have faith. For me, I could see the new website, the new era. I imagined what it felt like to have a bigger and better blog. I imagined what it would be like to operate at a higher level. Then I believed that it would happen and that I would get there. I had faith, and I wasn’t going to let anyone or thing stop me.
Make steps
I broke my vision down into different phases over four to five months. Each phase had it’s own goal and set of steps to follow. When you get your vision and you believe in it, you have to be strategic. Break it down into big goals then break those down into smaller goals.
Work on Your Vision
Now get to work! Work on those steps until you achieve your goals. It’s not going to be easy. There were times where I wanted to give up. But I never lost sight of the vision. The most beautiful thing, however, was I had help. I have amazing friends who helped me. Don’t be afraid to reach out and utilize the resources around you. God brought me through a lot of this from getting a new website to rebuilding social media, to planning photoshoots. He gave me words and plans and themes And here we are.
January 2020. I waited and worked (and prayed!) for this a very long time. I now have a new focus, new visions, new direction. Now, we’re all about light, creating, and breaking the mold. If you want a more in-depth explanation about these three things visit the about me page here
This process wasn’t just transformative for my blog, but for me too. I started to live my life, being my true authentic self and creating the way I want. Now, I want to inspire you to create, to live, and to be your true authentic self.
Welcome to the re-launch of 13thBeginnings.com.
I told you it was going to be bigger and better.