The Perfect Study Routine

It’s finals season! aka the most stressful, exhausting, anxiety-inducing time of the year. For all my college students feeling one or all three of those things, I understand completely. And this year it’s different. Due to COVID-19, we’re all stuck at home. There are no libraries, no study sessions with classmates, no late-night Starbucks or Chick-fil-a runs. However, even though this finals season is looking like it might be a struggle, I’ve got someting that will help you.

We all know the key to making good grades on your exams is to study. So, I have the perfect study routine. It’s guaranteed to turn any atmosphere into the perfect study zone, maximize the amount of material you study in a small amount of time, and leave you feeling relaxed, not stressed.

  1. The Atmosphere

Okay, before you anything else. You have to create a conducive environment. It needs to be an environment that allows you to be productive. So here’s what you can do: 

If you like to study on the floor (which I do sometimes), put down a blanket and a few pillows. 

If you like to study at a desk, make sure you clear everything that you don’t need off your desk. 

Next, fix your lighting. I prefer dim lighting, so I usually turn on my lamp. After that, I light a candle and turn on my diffuser. I do this because these two things create a sense of calm. You want your environment to be peaceful. You’re already anxious enough. 

Finally, the most important part is the sounds. No one can study in an environment that’s too loud. If you can, that’s great. However, noises are distracting, and your brain must focus on one thing. So, turn the T.V. off. I used to try to study and watch Netflix. It doesn’t work, and it doesn’t make sense. 

Study somewhere that’s quiet, but not too quiet. Play music in the background while your studying. This is actually very effective. A study done at John Hopkins University found that music helps us retain information. Turn on a playlist, something that’s soft and not too distracting. The university also found that having a soundtrack “increases interest and activates the information mentally, physically or emotionally” I personally love using Lo-Fi playlists on Youtube. But if you’re not into that, you can use my study playlist which I also love. 

2. The Plan

After you set your atmosphere, you want to come up with a plan. This is simply a detailed list of what you’re going to study, how you’re going to study, and for how long. 

The worst part of studying is not knowing what to study or how. Having a clear study plan eliminates this stress. You can now focus on studying the material and make the most out of your time. 

Creating a study plan is actually so easy to do! If you want to learn how to create a study plan, I got you! Just sign up below, and you’ll get a quick tutorial. Trust me, it’ll make studying so much easier!

3. The Execution 

So this step requires all distractions to be put away. Yes, that means putting your phone on Do Not Disturb. Turning off your T.V. And focusing on completing your study plan. This takes a little self-discipline but just think about all the A’s you’re going to get! 

Keep a positive mindset! Don’t tell yourself negative things. Don’t think negative thoughts! You’ve got this! You’re going to do your best!

4. The Reward

Now, this is where we would usually insert Starbucks or Chick-fil-a. But, your reward can be anything that will comfort you and relax your mind. So, ice cream or a cup of coffee. Maybe a face mask and your favorite book. You could watch a Youtube video or an episode of your favorite show. (No binging before an exam!)

Sometimes we forget to reward ourselves for the hard work we put in. But treating ourselves is necessary because it motivates us to stick to our routines

Now pat yourself on the back! Do this simple routine and finals season will be a breeze for you!

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